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Childhood Baptism

Two little boys are looking for a way to cool off on a hot summer day. Dad won't let them play in the sprinkler because he's mowing the lawn, so the boys set out to find a way to get wet and cool without getting into trouble.

They sit on the curb brainstorming when suddenly one of them jumps up and says, "I know, lets go get baptized!"

Well, both boys have seen enough to know that you can get wet at a baptism, so they trot down to the church on the corner and tell the pastor they want to get baptized. The irritated pastor finally relents after about 10 minutes of begging. He finally drags the boys to the men's room and dunks them both head first into the toilet, then sends them on their way.

The boys sit on the curb, slightly disappointed with the whole adventure, when one of them asks the other, "What religion are we now?"

"I don't know," replies the other. "If we were Baptists, he would have filled up the big tub and dunked our whole body like he did for uncle Jim; and if we were Catholic, he would have poured it on our heads from a pitcher."

They sat and thought about it for a while longer when the first one said in a small voice, "Since he stuck our head in the toilet, I think that it means that we're 'piss-ca-pa-lians!"

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